During the pandemic many people turned towards animals for comfort. Through this group project we found that there are not a lot of apps out there for pets to meet others and find furry friends. The apps we did find were not functional, lacked safety aspects, and had internal issues that made it difficult for the user to navigate. Tinder is a well known app that’s used to meet people and we wanted to take that idea and use it for the purpose of finding friends for pets. Through research and trial and error this is what we came up with!

Have a pet that’s an only child or looking for pet friends?

This app is designed just like Tinder except it’s for pets to find long lasting friends. Just like Tinder you will be able to set up a profile for your pet and find furry friends nearby. This is also a great way for pet owners to make new friends as well.

This app is a great way to find friends for your pet in the area. Because of the way the app is designed (like Tinder) pet owners will be able to look at profiles for other animals and see if they will be compatible and get along well with their own animals. You will be able to swipe right and left and start conversations with those you match with. Most importantly the features on the app provide safety for the owners and pets. There will also be different sections in the app, for example, one for dogs, one for cats, and one for other types of animals.


Out of 38 people surveyed dogs were the most popular animal to be considered for this app. Pet owners stressed that safety and information about other users and their pet is an aspect that should be included, such as a profile page for each user and their background information.

85.7% of the people surveyed were interested in a feature similar to Instagram, where you can post pictures. Also, an even more detailed page about the dog to share their likes, dislikes, allergies, general information to know about the pet, etc. A majority of those surveyed take their pets to parks weekly therefore a way to meet up with other pets in that area would be beneficial.

Lastly, the main feature people wanted was a place to look at the pets such as a swipe option, group chat, setting up playdates and being able to message and communicate with other pet owners.

Above are wireframes for Pet Playdate.

User Personas.

Above are two flowcharts showing the many possibilities to navigate Pet Playdate.

Available Soon! Compatible with Apple Watch and other Smart Watches. Get notifications when you receive a message on Pet Playdate.

A possible advertisement for Apple Watch and other Smart Watches.

More possible advertisements for Apple iPhone and Apple Watch.


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