This assignment was to take a generic product from the shelves of your local grocery store and raise it above the mundane and ordinary. A product I was immediately drawn too from my childhood was Barnum’s Animals Crackers.

This package design was always something that caught my eye and over the years has been altered due to controversy over the caged animals. Even though, I always thought there was a lot of work to be done to make this package appealing to children and the parent’s buying the product.

For this assignment I choose a fun, colorful, and vector styled design. I wanted the packaging to be drawn in by children attracted to the bright and vibrant colors. I also found it odd how the front cover shows only safari animal while the actual crackers rotate frequently to different animals from all kinds of biomes. Therefore, I decided to create a themed series of animal cracker boxes and that’s how Animal Crackers by Snack Factory was created.

The original Barnum's Animals Crackers packaging.

The new box reflects that our society no longer tolerates caging and chaining of wild animals for circus shows.

The original Barnum’s Animals Crackers packaging before it was changed in June 2017.

Above is a 3D render of all 4 themed Animal Cracker boxes.

Above is a simplistic magazine advertisement for Animal Crackers.


In Motion | Pack & Pub


Brand Collab | Pack & Pub